
abm treaty中文是什么意思

  • 反导条约



  • 例句与用法
  • The 1972 abm treaty was signed by the united states and the soviet union at a much different time , in a vastly different world
  • In fact , scrapping the abm treaty , far from worsening america - russia rivalry , left the russians free to look more realistically to their own defences
  • I have concluded the abm treaty hinders our government ? s ability to develop ways to protect our people from future terrorist or rogue state missile attacks
  • However , in recent years the united states has accelerated its development of a national missile defense system in disregard of the relevant provisions of the abm treaty and the opposition of the international community
  • Our withdrawal from the abm treaty has made it possible to develop and test the full range of missile defense technologies , and to deploy defenses capable of protecting our territory and our cities
  • Russia and the united states should work together to develop a new foundation for world peace and security in the 21st century . we should leave behind the constraints of an abm treaty that perpetuates a relationship based on distrust and mutual vulnerability
    布什说,他将“同其它有关国家,包括中国和俄罗斯接触” ,并希望俄罗斯和美国将共同合作,为21世纪的世界和平打下新基础。
  • We will also discuss this issue with the russians and the chinese , as we continue to operate on the arms control front as well . in that context , the abm treaty in its current form is no longer relevant to our new strategic framework
  • 其他语种释义
  • abm treatyとは意味

    ABM Treaty {略} : Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty 弾道弾迎撃ミサイル制限条約◆1972年の米ソ間の条約。2001年に米が破棄。

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